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Curriculum and Academics (3)

Families Amidst a Sea of Change - A Grade 8 English Unit

April 21, 2021

When we read history, we often focus on major declarations, devastating battles, and how leaders shape and reshape the world. But this view of..

NIS Students Heading to United Nations Conference

February 26, 2021

The school is abuzz with the exciting news that two Grade 11 students will be heading to Kyoto, February 27 & 28, to attend the Kyoto Congress Youth..

4 Key Differences Between Japanese Schools and International Schools

February 23, 2021

As a parent weighing the benefits and potential drawbacks of the Japanese school system versus an international school in Japan, there can be a lot..

Benefits of Multilingualism in Education - How Speaking More than One Language Improves Chances for Success

February 18, 2021

Speaking more than one language offers your children a great advantage in many areas of their lives. Attending a school that embraces multilingualism..

How Languages Help Students Develop a Multicultural Identity

February 2, 2021

Language is the connective tissue of a community. It is the means by which we communicate with others, share our thoughts and feelings, and connect..

The Importance of Maintaining Mother Tongue

January 21, 2021

While studying in English at an international school, maintaining your children’s mother tongue can prove challenging, but is absolutely possible..

Three Benefits of a Diverse Campus for Your Children

December 2, 2020

At Nagoya International School (NIS), we embrace the benefits of a diverse student body and the benefits of diversity in the classroom and use them..

How 3-Way Conferences Help Primary Students Steer Their Learning Goals

November 3, 2020

As an IB World School, one of the driving beliefs at NIS is that students, as learners, should be partners in their learning and have responsibility..

What is Translanguaging and Why We Celebrate It

September 8, 2020

It is not uncommon to hear around any given dinner table of a bi-cultural English/Japanese family, including my own, “Salt wo totte” or the related,..

Designed for Our Mission

August 18, 2020

Over the past several years, as enrollment at NIS kept creeping up, the school needed innovative ways to allocate spaces for learning, discussions,..

Purposeful Design: How Space Enhances Learning

August 4, 2020

Walk around the halls at NIS at any given time, and you will see the relationship that exists between students, their learning, and their physical..

A Day to Remember

June 25, 2020

It was a historic day in an unprecedented year. It was a day that no one was certain would happen. But on Saturday, June 5 at 4pm, 31 students of NIS..

Policy and Pillow Fights...

June 9, 2020

Democracy, what is it? What is it in the context of the wider world, in our individual countries, and even in our classrooms? These are the questions..

Inquiring, Inspiring, and Impacting Online (of course!)

May 26, 2020

As the COVID-19 situation started to unfold around the world, NIS, armed with international and local information and connections, began anticipating..

A Window of Opportunity in a Time of Crisis

May 12, 2020

As the world continues to experience the life-changing events of COVID-19, here at NIS we have had our own journey through the crisis, which provided..

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