
NIS Stories

Explore our Campus: Why we Invest in our Learning Environment



Much like anything in life, if you don’t have the right materials and resources available to you, it’s much harder to reach your goal.

The spaces and tools we use when teaching are just as important as the lessons themselves, as the impact of school infrastructure on learning is significant. That is why we have invested in providing a world-class, positive learning environment that will help take your children’s education to the next level.


What Are the Characteristics of the Learning Environment at NIS?


Our campus features the characteristics of a good learning environment including:

  • green spaces
  • Innovation
  • open-concept facilities

These features are also incorporated in our brand new East Building. With the new facility and an entire campus helping contribute to our mission to inquire, inspire, impact, and include NIS is the perfect space for your children to learn and grow.

We welcome you to explore our new building by clicking here.


New East Building Invigorates Entire Campus


When designing our new East Building, we first looked into the characteristics of a good learning environment so we could design a building where our students would get the most of the new space as possible. 

“You need spaces that are suitable for inquiry which means not only in technical spaces like cutting edge design suites where you can really do digital design, it means spaces that meet those 21st century curriculum needs,” said Matthew Parr, our Head of School.

Not only does the new building incorporate modern technology designed to prepare our students for a modern workforce, the flexible and open spaces, and innovative design make our classrooms adaptable to fit any purpose a teacher needs.

“The East building is a piece of our campus which provides innovative learning spaces targeting the whole child,” said Parr. “There’s no area of the curriculum where you think, ‘I wish we only had ‘x’. We now have all the ‘x’s’.”


New Learning Environment Provides Space for Everyone


One key aspect we wanted to focus on in our new building was the need for more space on campus to not only accommodate the demand for enrollment, but to also provide the space for specific subjects.

Not only does the new East Building provide thoughtfully-designed learning environments to meet the specific needs of teachers and students, it has the added benefit of opening up the rest of the campus for new purposes as well.

“This building helps us provide a more complete picture of that exceptional educational experience. We now have dedicated spaces that are meeting students’ needs,” said Carol Walter, NIS Director of Business and Operations.

The innovation found on our campus is also part of our school tours. Click here to find out more


Prioritizing the Student Experience 


When you give a child the tools they need to learn, they will thrive and grow more than you could imagine.

By investing back into our students and providing them a positive learning environment, they have every opportunity to reach their full potential.

“When the student experience is really great, the parents are happy and the kids receive a great education,” said Walter.

Our new East Building has completely reshaped our campus experience for the better, contributing to a more positive, open school climate.  

“What you’re seeing now is the whole campus is able to breathe again, and each part of our campus can finally do what it was originally designed to do,” said Parr.


This is a link to the benefits of an international school landing page