
NIS Stories

Stronger Together: The Power of the NIS Community

Parent Coffees at NIS

So, what's in a cup of coffee?

On any given morning, if you walk through the East Café, you will see students studying, staff working, and, at a table or two, parents—having a coffee together and enjoying conversation.

This past month, however, there were a few more parents! The Parent Coffee Mornings are a simple but meaningful tradition. We set the date and time on the calendar, our FSA sends out a message on Classlist, and then we wait to see who shows up! While the Principal or one of the other Administrators might stop by to say hello, these gatherings belong to the parents—a chance to connect, share stories, and build friendships. It may be just a cup of coffee, but it represents something much stronger: the power of connection.

Paradoxically, COVID taught us the value of connection. The first time many parents entered the East Building lobby – where today we enjoy coffee and many other treats - was to receive their COVID vaccine, and that was the last time that they entered the building for many long months. While students continued coming to class each day, parents were left outside the gates. It became clearer than ever that schools function best as communities, not just as institutions.

And as we have returned from COVID, we have seen firsthand the difference that being a community makes. From Halloween to Diwali to Lunar New Year, from learning conferences to arts nights, from sports tournaments to the Walkathon—when the community comes together—parents, students, and staff—that is when the mission of the school truly comes alive.


Matthew Parr Quote

Research supports, and common sense tells us, that when parents connect and collaborate as a community, all children’s learning is enhanced. Parents who understand and share in the ethos of the school are better able to support their child’s success within it. Equally, an engaged and active parent body helps staff better understand our students and families, ensuring that our curriculum, programs, and strategies align with the needs, hopes, and aspirations of the community we serve. Connections matter.

At NIS, there are so many ways to be engaged as a parent. Through our Parent Partners, parents can help spread the word about our school or support new families transitioning to life at NIS. Parents can also be active in the Family and Staff Association (FSA) or collaborate on cultural celebrations—Diwali, Lunar New Year, Ramadan, Shabbat, and more— or contribute to focus groups and discussions, attend sports and arts events, or join us for the many learning conferences we have.



There are countless ways to get involved—big and small. And in each of these moments, parents can contribute to a shared understanding that strengthens our community, deepens our connections, and enhances the learning outcomes for every child.

So, what’s in a cup of coffee? Well, a whole lot more than just coffee, that’s for sure!